Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!!!
painted some jumpers for me and my companion that we are going to wear
and take pictures at the beach, so yous will get pictures of that next
week probably!!! Then we are going to go have a zone basketball game I
think!!! Yay!!! My zone leaders and my sister training leader called me
and sang happy birthday to me which is impressive because I didn't tell
anyone when my birthday was.... someone in my companionship must be
leaking information... PUAINA!!!!
All goods... she made me breakfast this morning!!
baptism was awesome!!! It started island time- 20 minutes late- and had
heaps of food afterwards!!! The zone leaders were muttering to each
other about how grateful they were for not being in the Samoan program
after our members forced us all to get seconds!! LOL!!!
finished read the Matthew Cowley book this week!! That was really fun!!
In one of his talks he spoke about how he had boils for 7 months of his
mission... The very next day I started to get a boil on my side!! Now I
have two on my left side and they are HUGE!!! I am really sad I can no
longer sleep on that side... but all goods!!! I also have a big lump
under my arm (in my armpit but that sounds so gross so I didn't want to
say that but there you go) that is also kinda painful!! for a few days I
think I probably looked like a duck.. walking around with my arms
slightly up so they weren't touching my sides!!! BAHAHAH!!!! My companion
told me if they get any worse she is taking me to the doctor... I told
her no... We will talk to Sister Cummings tomorrow!!
reminds me we are meeting The Cummings tomorrow!!!! So exciting!!! We
talked to Sister Cummings on the phone a few days ago and she sure
sounded really nice!! I'm excited to meet them!!!
I think that's pretty much it....
I love you all so much!!!!!
Thank you for the birthday wishes and presents!! I really appreciate it!!!
Alofa tele atu,
Sista Peo
Pictures to show mom that everything she sent me fit! Thank you so much!!! and the cup a cupa cupa is delicious thanks!!!
Sister Peo, Silivelia and Sis Puaina
Birthday Girl and her gifts
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